Friday, November 28, 2014

Four Year of the Blog


This is the fourth year of the blog and hopefully I will write more and more about my children in the near future so that they will know how much I love them!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Insaf Kejap

Okey, mummy insaf kejap. 

I have read a long conversation - comment on anak Awal and Scha - Lara (Mikha, gadis ini tiada dalam senarai - ini gadis 200k - in your time). Diorang ada buat IG and FB Lara and caption on what Lara thought.

So, it is kinda cute, even mummy kauorang takde follow IG/FB one of them. Hahaah. I guess it is cute. Then, haters start to condemn and comment yang sentap bila dia sebut on Fynn Jamal yang suka letak gambar anak and at the end anak dia autisme. Ya Allah!

Haters, kenapa kau samakan situasi ni? Haruslah maknya (Scha) sentap.

Ok, tak kisahla bab tu tapi it make sense bila dia baca komen - komen lain macam nak elak culik, jangan bagitau school anak, elak kes rogol, tak tahu anak in the future camne kan. So, it is not for Lara, but for both of you.

Tak boleh exposed sangat even kamu bukan anak jutawan Brunei. Then, they said, dalam dunia ni ada sihir AIN sihir dari syaitan untuk anak - anak. So mummy will make sure that everything I posed public had limit and private to my social media.

Nanti orang naik menyampah. Kan? I don't care about other people, I only care for both of you. This writing for you to feel what I had feel towards you all. Manala tau umur mummy tak panjang, tak sempat nak cakap I love you. I love you Marsya Arani  and Aryan Mikhael. Doakan mummy bila mummy dah tak ada. On the pictures, I will make sure  will scrap everything in album, in shaa Allah. There are so many snaps, memories of us.

Trust me in this world, we must work hard and trust ourselves. We lived the way we are and get through the journey that had been wrote by Allah. Do not measures yours with others. Get own life and had a good family.

Love you both and daddy sooooooo muchhhhhh!!!



Sunday, November 16, 2014

Anak Dara Daddy

Lately mummy kerap marah kakak. Perbuatan dia yang suka membuat adik buat mummy geram!

High blood pressure jadinya.

Tak tahu kakak membuli adik baikkkk punya. Adik pulak end up crying, then buat kakak, then kakak pulak nangis.

Kalau waktu cuti, kakak minta pergi ofis daddy, so semalam  daddy bawa kakak even masa tu kakak dah mengantuk sangat.

End up kakak tertidur kat ofis daddy.

Kesian kamu.

I am sorry, I promise I will make up our relationships ye.

I promise!

Tertidur atas sofa dengan botol sekali.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Acu adalah adik bongsu mummy.

Walaupun kami kerap bertekak tapi mummy sayang acu sebab she is the only sister that I had in my life. Oh ya, I had SIL but of course it is not going to replace Acu in whatever situation.

Mummy sayang Acu and pray that she will get a good life, good husband and good job in the future.

Acu berselfi dengan kamu berdua!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Birthday Party Fareeha

Last Sunday, kita ada pergi attended birthday party Fareeha. 

Ok, mummy masih lagi mencari cari cara menggunakan ayat samada English atau bahasa dengan cara yang betul. Forgive me if there are grammatical disorder ya!

We are so happy since there will be frozen birthday party. Almaklum frozen masih lagi jadi kegilaan kan. So, there are few games, tapiiiii kakak refuse to play sebab last time mas birthday party Rafiq, kakak kalah semua games, so kakak bengang. Lagipun mood orang bangun tidur ni susah la sikit. 

Princess mummy of the day: Raja Raisha
Diorang having so much fun playing games.
Especially zahin and nina.
Birthday girl pun tak mau main.

Mummy ambil gambar ni tapi zahin and nina tak biasa dengan kita, so tak senyum, then cepat-cepat si abang bawa adik keluar.
Sooooooo protective!!!
Tak sempat nak ambil banyak - banyak.

Birthday girl Fareeha.
We rarely seen them, so diorang pun tak biasa sangat.
Tapi sebab ambil banyak snap then ada picture yang senyum.
Ok, priceles.

Gambar kita tak ada adik.
Kita cuma boleh selfie.

My friends. 
Oh zahin!

Ye, diorang main games, kamu berdua main playground diorang.

Oh adik, kamu tak ada 50k, baik kamu lupakan gadis ni ye.

Oh aishah kenapa kamu comel sangat?????

I pray for your happiness
Happy 5th birthday dear!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Kakak dah pandai tulis sikit - sikit.

I am so proud of you kakak.

Keep the good work ye.

Kakak pandai tulis Tuesday and so happy about it!
Konon dah pandai

Kakak enjoying ice cream before we fetch adik

Adik dan kakak bonding time.
Ni time baik
Time berkasih sayang!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


TPM - Teachers Parents Meeting.

Mula - mula mummy ingat it is just for once a year then teacher beritahu dua kali setahun.

Students 4 years and 5 years tak ada end year concert or exam like 6 years old.

It is fine, kan dah buat show masa Ramadhan show hari tu kan?

So, Monday tu jumpa lagi teachers for second time.

Overall Marsya punya performance ok, good.

But, the other way round teacher cakap Marsya suka jadi batu api kalau ada students yang kena marah, kakak kata, "marah dia teacher!" Malu mummy hokey!

And kakak overconfidence in everything, teacher tak mahu nanti kakak tak perform sebab rasa dah pandai and school is different from here.

Next year you will have another four friends and total 5 years old student 10 sahaja!

Performance kakak!

Good job and well done!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Wedding Uncle Zul

Uncle Zul ni anak Embah Jiah and Yusri okey anak - anak.

Last Sunday, kita pergi wedding dia kat Kuala Pilah, rumah the wifey.

Nikah kita tak pergi, pergi sanding sahaja.

Uncle Zul and his wife.
Ada kompang kanak - kanak.
Diorang potong kek kahwin.

Dalam pada diorang sibuk nak arrange for cake cutting, korang pun sama sibuk.
Especially si kecik Mikha.
And guess what?
Adik almost tarik alas meja kek, kalau tak jahanam kek tu
Nasib baik daddy pantas.
Dia dok usha je meja kek tu.
Ya Allah
Tak reti duduk diam

This is daddy's family.
Tapi picture daddy takde
Sebab daddy yang ambil gambar

Harap Zul and isteri bahagia sehingga ke Jannah.
In shaa Allah