Wednesday, March 19, 2014

When communication book is F.A.I.L.E.D..

In CIC, every students were given a communication book. This book is a way of communication between parents and teachers. If they have homework or any notice that teacher wants the parents to know, they will write there. 

Marsya has homework everyday except Thursday and she will bring this communication book home almost everyday. Mummy and daddy will read what the teachers note in the book.

However, last Friday, sebab busy, mummy tak sempat pun nak get through the communication book and therefore I missed one notice. On Saturday, 8th March rupanya ada Solat Hajat di CIC Putrajaya (HQ). Aduhai! Solat hajat for MH 370.

Communication book ini akan FAILED kalau mummy tak check la kan. Huhuhu. I almost forgot to check on the book. So now I will monitor everyday. Kesilapan ini sama sekali tidak akan di ulangi!

Teacher also already added that they will organize Trans - Sports Day on 6th April. Can't wait for first sports day for Marsya.

Btw, Marsya already now can count 1 to 40 (english and bahasa) and also can recognizing words abc.

Hopefully she will learn more and more after this and by end of this year she will know how to read.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Kakak dan Adik New Hobby..

Small children have hobby too like us; like an adult. Something that they are addicted to. Daddy can't get out his hand off his hand phone. Mummy also, I am twitter-reading gossip what not. Daddy more to fb and all blog controversy whatsoever. (Then explain to mummy!)

Both children sometimes get bored with us. Hahahahah.

Kakak tried to take picture on herself lately. When she silently took tablet and laughing all alone, I know something must going on! Adik on the other hand, when in the car, can't get his hand off steering. 

I am then now tried to make the photo through photovisi. Kinda interesting!

Look at them!

Kakak tried to selfie and look at  what she managed to captured. Aduhaiiii

Adik drive. Pandang kanan, pandang kiri! Pandang belakang nak reverse jap mummy! Think!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Marsya & Aryan and Birthday Party

Marsya and Aryan ada attend dua birthday celebration this year. Ada few celebration tapi yang dua ni je kami dapat attend at this moment. First ke birthday Faleesha - one year old (Fara's daughter) di The Curve Yukids. Kinda having fun jugak la cos children can play around kan. Macam best jugak la. It is on 2nd February 2014. Aryan 10 months old that day. The party was awesome and we could just hang out there watching our children playing kan. Enjoy the party so much.

Then, kita ke birthday celebration Raiyan Jufri (Jeffri's son - my cousin - anak mak ngah). It is in KFC Extreme Park Seksyen 13. It is on Saturday 8th March 2014. He is 5 years old. Actually I am 3 years older than him (Jef) but he manage to married early than me, so his son are older than Marsya. Heheeheheh. I could see that many of my cousins manage to married at early age compare to myself. Mummy married at 28 years old and daddy were 27. 

Marsya was so happy! Adik have no idea!

Marsya pull off ekor chicky.

Marsya can't wait to get her goodies.

Marsya and the crowd.

Raiyan Jufri 5 years old next to Marsya - yellow shirts holding gift (yellow wrappers)
Jef next to chicky yellow shirts also

I could see that it is trend to have 'outside' birthday party celebration. It is easier because kita tak payah clean up mess. let them do kan. Moreover, KFC did provide goodies to the children. may be it is already include in the bills, also additional cake to the birthday boy.

I dunno what to prepare on Aryan birthday next. Let me think first.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Marsya and Colouring Contest

Last Friday, Teacher Nadia told me to bring you (and all other students) to nearby CIMB Bank on Monday morning for coloring contest. She asked for all parents permissions.

Mak - mak (which is myself) of course la excited siap suruh teacher snap pictures. Heheheeh. This is first time ever Marsya enter a contest. The other day (19th Feb) CIC organised their first trip in the  year to Gardenia Factory, daddy won't let Marsya go, mumyy 50-50. However, we promised her, she will go for her second trip to Children Library la. We promised.

In fact, CIC ada organized few program which Marsya could join such as to Kidzania, Ramadhan Roadshow and etc. So many more to go. Marsya pun ok cook relax je so ok la. Masa balik semalam, I asked her, siapa menang, she said "Marsya!" Aduhaiiiiii... Pagi tadi terlupa tanya teacher siapa yang menang, itula.

Here some pictures teacher gave mummy.

Bahagia je muka Marsya.

For info, CIC Kota Kemuning students age 4-6 only 15 people and another 5 students age more that 6 only came in after school at 1.30 with 4 teachers. Happy kan sebab anak-anak kita dapat full attention from their teachers. Takdela crowded sangat and Marsya close with her teacher, Teacher Ana. As she always said "Marsya sayang Teacher Ana banyak-banyak"


Monday, March 3, 2014

Jerebu Teruk di Hujung Minggu..

Ya Allah, again Klang Valley di landa jerebu. Again! IPU dah paras bahaya. The statement pulak kata it's normal to have jerebu pada musim kering. Kasihan la kanak-kanak kan. Mak bapak kalau sakit boleh tahan lagi.

Ni KLCC hari Jumaat pukul 5 ptg
Dahla panas berbahang tapi tak nampak matahari. Aduhaiii, tak boleh tahan betul kan. Mummy kalau time-time macamni memangla migraine boleh datang dua tiga kali sehari. Stressful. Kakak mummy tak risau kalau pergi school tapi adik tu tinggal kat jkl yang mummy risau sikit sebab rumah diorang tu dekat tepi jalan, banyak habuk-habuk. Harap adik ok jela.

Pagi Sabtu I realized macam ada habuk debu terbakar pada kereta. Daddy kata cuba tengok kereta-kereta jiran pun sama. Sabtu tu macam boleh tahan lagi tapi  masuk je hari Ahad, lagi worst. Weekend pagi we still out for our breakfast of course. Sabtu petang daddy masih lagi bawa ke playground macam biasa tapi Ahad daddy kata indoor je. Daddy bawa ke Aeon Big beli barang dapur sikit dan main music helikopter. Masuk duit, gerak-gerak. Hahahahah.

Bawak dalam kereta pusing-pusing kereta duduk rumah that's all.

Hujung minggu kamu berdua. Playground half hour, dalam kereta and Aeon Big.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Adik dah 11 month

Sedar tak sedar adik dah 11 month. Sekejap je masa dah berlalu and next month adik dah ONE! Yeahhhh!!
As usual, I did not plan any birthday celebration ke hape ke kalau nak buat nanti, last minute and and small celebration as well. Mummy just plan nak pergi cucuk adik and medical check up both anak on April nanti. Nak buat appointment for both of kakak and adik.

Adik dah expert crawler, dah nak mula dah bab panjat-panjat ni, expert menunggah dan bukak semua laci-laci dalam rumah, teraburkan semua barang mainan, tergelak, tepuk tangan, pandai ajuk cakap orang (eh, eh).

Adik tak suka tidur siang unless penat sangat and bila penat sangat baru tidur then malam senang la tidur, guling - guling tapiiiii ada juga waktu - waktu susah tidur, korek hidung mummy, mata mummy, berdiri kejap, baru landing tidur (dalam keadaan gelap dan sejuk).

Huru hara rumah kalau adik ada. Adik suka attention, tak suka main sendiri - sendiri dan haruslah idola adik adalah KAKAK.

Mana kakak pergi, adik akan kejar dengan walker. Harusla kan!!! Adik adalah manusia paling happy kalau dapat buat apa yang dia suka. 

Kami bertiga suka selfie dalam kereta. WAJIB!

Give me five, mummy!

Tak sabar nak tunggu adik besar!