Sunday, November 28, 2010


Marsya Arani was her full name, born at DEMC 20th September 2010. Before I gave birth to her, myself always  read her astrology to get know her (konon la baca her star so that I could understand her). But after while I believe that understanding between mom and a daughter will develop by themselves.

I loved my mom and close with her but the only thing that I could remember when I was young that nothing. Samada aku dah hilang ingatan ke apa ke, I only remember certain things. 

I am scared that I cannot be a good mom either the best mom. The responsibility besar kan? Sangat besar.

Masa Marsya dilahirkan, dia sangat comel, sangat sangat.

Ni age 2 months. Rambut ni cacak, so nenek pangil saya Marsya Shipudden, ahahahaha

Ni baru lahir the night after, still dalam hospital = 20/09/2010

Yes, she is a girl

Ni baru keluar perut mummy, see her mouth, and her eyes. Welcome to world baby

Start blogging for my daughter = 27/11/2010