Monday, January 21, 2013

I am a terrible mummy...

Yes, I am a terrible mummy. I admit it. Hermmm...

Hari ini, mummy and daddy got nothing else to do after calling kakak cleaner to clean the house, we all decide  to go to IOI Mall. Ever since I didn't stay in Puchong anymore but I still love the place. For me, the best Jusco was in there.

Mummy was thought to window shop around and also try to release tense and do some exercise before get delivery. Mummy realized that I had less walk for my second pregnancy compare to the first one. little princess seem not happy at all today. Time breakfast tadi pun dah buat perangai diva ajak balik rumah, tak nak makan kt restaurant tu. Balik rumah terus take a nap and after a nap tu baru pergi jalan.

Muka pun moody tak happy langsung and just sit in the stroller je around. After a while, we got back home and mummy baru teringat, oh today was 20th. You are already 28 month my dear! Kat rumah je dah start perangai balik, asyik nangis je and everything pun tak kena. I am tired sometimes and at one point dah buat tak reti dah. All the time pun crying and ugut us 'nak nenek'. 

Lately ni lagila dengan adengan ugut mengugut yang Marsya buat, nangis yang berpanjangan and at the end it cause flu yang tak berkesudahan. Ugut tu akan berlaku if in example:-

Marsya: Mummy, nak susu.
Mummy: Sabarlah, ni dalam kereta, dah nak sampai dah.
Marsya: Susu takde, Acha nangis.
Mummy: ??????????

Marsya: (Campak barang-barang)
Mummy: Janganlaahhhhhhhh...(jentik kaki)
Marsya: Nak nenek!!!!!!  (Nangisssss)

Ok, fine. I know that you're going to be big sister but God please help me!

Back for tonight, after pray, pun la daddy and mummy siap la nak dinner to Mohd Chan, on the way to get there, tiba-tiba Marsya lembik. Ehhhhhhh, Marsya tidur!!!!!!

Tak sempat makan, we only tapau and makan kat rumah. Then mummy open up yahoo mail to check all mails, since kat ofis pun tak sempat nak buat semua ni. Then I read:-

Hello, Mardiana
While your toddler is learning better motor skills these days --stacking blocks, turning pages, even standing on one foot -- she may not have as good a grip on her emotions. At this age she's still prone to a fair amount of pushing, yelling and throwing tantrums at the drop of a hat. When she's upset, you can remind her that talking gets better results than yelling. Remember to praise her when she makes an effort to communicate with words

Yup, Marsya loves to play with blocks and susun ikut susunan and then main sorang-sorang lately. Berdiri atas kaki yang satu dah expert dah sangat suka yoga. If I got some times, I promise to bring you along yoga classes nanti ye.

Unfortunately, I am not really a rajin mum. Sangat tak rajin, the whole days hanya fikir kerja, then balik rumah, jaga sikit-sikit then tidurkan dia.

I took some times to read blogs la apela then tiba-tiba rasa macam tak cukup je yang mummy dah buat for my child. I had some friends yang dah ajar anak-anak tak kencing dalam pampers, but I still tak ajar Marsya lagi. Seems like mummy is very slow.

Then ada few things lagi that I thought yang Marsya sangat ketinggalan because mummy sangat busy dan penat dan asik fikir kerja 24h a day. My life all about work and my company sampai at the end balik ofis pun mummy and daddy akan cerita hal company jugak. Its annoy me actually. Sampai hari ni 20th pun mummy lupa, asik tak ingat je kan.

For Marsya, hope tomorrow and the next days will be better for both of us, eh I mean three of us. Plan mummy for Marsya and myself this year after deliver baby will be mummy and Acha mummy akan pergi swimming class, yeah. Hopefully all plan will come true, insyaAllah.

Do love you so much Marsya!